They say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Geneva’s food scene seems to have taken that maxim to heart since for the most part, it tends to replicate other …
Category: Pizza
It’s spring, boys and girls, and that means warmer temperatures, and that means people are going to want to be out and about. Preferably in some of the nicer areas …
OK seriously, I love what I do. I love the day job. Can’t imagine my life doing anything else – I’m just that passionate about my chosen career path. However, …
So as you all probably know, Geneva’s first Street Food Festival took place a couple of weeks ago on the weekend of September 18-20. When I first heard about it, I got …
I love coming across the hidden gem in Geneva. It’s not where all the hype is, it’s not typically super trendy-looking. It’s usually just a small family-run neighborhood joint. I’m …
Octopus Easily one of my favorite types of seafood and I’m sure to order it whenever I see it on a menu! Lemon meringue pie Not sure what it is about …
I really wanted to go to this pizza joint while I was in New York last summer, but my schedule didn’t allow it. It’s supposed to be really amazing. I would …
There was a time in New York in the not too distant past when you could just step into any pizza joint, and get a very decent New York style …
Well my dear friends, all work and no play makes the GVA Foodie a dull girl, so I decided to take some time off and enjoy a few days in …
Is the food truck movement starting to take off in Geneva? After the highly successful Hamburger Foundation food truck, Genevans can now treat themselves to fresh slices of pizza in …